Christmas hairstyles save your Clips and accessories 2025

Christmas hairstyles save your Clips and accessories 2025

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If it is advisable to avoid excessively sparkling hairstyles for Christmas lunch, it is equally true that giving vent to imagination and creativity is absolutely allowed .

« The options for playing with clasps are practically endless because this type of accessory is also proposed in very creative and fun versions: with clusters of light and lacquered metal leaves, with silk or organza petals», explains Nico Vinci.

With spectacular foliage to camouflage a classic chignon, or studded with pearls to hold long hair. The decorated clips make the hairstyle spectacular (Instagram photo @hairbayadir and @sarahpotempa).

The clips adapt to any type of length. «They can be a detail suitable even for very short hair. In this case it is allowed to focus on spectacularity and originality. One idea is to use lots of clips with pearls or colored ones or with the word LOVE to punctuate the entire mass of the hair."

Bows for a romantic black hairstyle

Made of velvet, silk or organza, the bow in the hair is a sort of must for those who feel particularly inspired by feelings of romance.

In velvet or organza, a bow in the hair makes the style mischievous (Instagram photo @justinemarjan).

« It is the ideal complement for finishing hair gathered in a ponytail, high or low », specifies Nico Vinci. «Used as a decoration for a clasp on the back of the neck, they have now become a classic for dreamers».

Christmas hairstyles: the finishing touch is a cloud of perfume

A very ancient ritual, which is forcefully coming back into fashion, the step of perfuming the hair should not be overlooked because it adds further charm to the hairstyle.

The new products also contain hydrating and conditioning agents that take care of the lengths, polishing them and enhancing their color. They have evanescent consistencies: they don't weigh down, they don't compromise styling and they don't attract impurities.

Frizzy hair? How to fight humidity in winter

Hair perfumes also enjoy the approval of experts: " They are formulated with a low alcohol content, and are absolutely not harmful to the hair", underlines cosmetologist Umberto Borellini . «What matters is using quality products containing nourishing and hydrating active ingredients».

How to manage your hair during sports. And then

Playing sports is good for your hair too. However, due care is necessary: ​​for example, it is necessary to brush and tie them, protect them from UV damage and wash them delicately after training.

first protect them, comb them, tie them with the right accessory. Then, cleanse them at the end of your workout. When playing sports, your hair requires special attention to keep it strong and healthy, especially if you engage in intense activities or sweat a lot, aspects that tend to weigh down the scalp, and require more frequent or specific washing. Let's see how.

Hair and sports, how to manage them

Doing sport is good, not only for the body but also for the hair. In general, sporting activity stimulates blood circulation which brings greater oxygen and nutrients to body tissues, including the scalp. Not only that, sporting activity also facilitates the release of feel-good hormones, lowering cortisol and stress, a factor that can affect the beauty of your hair.

Whether walking outdoors, running, Nordic walking, tennis, aerobic activities generally increase oxygenation of the follicles and tone the scalp. Despite the benefits, hair requires some precautions to keep it in shape.

How to treat your hair during sport

Without the correct attention, before, during and after the activity, dryness and fragility can appear. The causes? Sweating, perspiration, but also exposure to the sun, chlorine, the use of unsuitable accessories. For this reason, some precautions are essential.

Comb your hair before training

Among the first good habits is to brush your hair well before starting to train. It is essential to choose a brush with soft and flexible teeth to avoid the formation of knots and tangles . To collect the hair, you should choose fabric elastics without metal elements so as to avoid breakage on the shafts and not tie the hair too tightly , especially near the hairline, because this can give rise to the so-called traction alopecia.

Sunscreen, because it is important to protect the skin

Like the skin, the scalp also needs to be protected . This area can also be subject to rashes, burns and sunburns, to which add damage to the lengths.

Specific products prevent them with formulations composed of protective hydrating ingredients that hinder dehydration and weakening, but also the photo-oxidation of melanin and keratin so as to avoid color degradation.

They are sprayed before sporting activity on both the roots and stems and then spread with a wide-toothed comb, preferably wooden, so as to distribute them over the entire surface.

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